Data Response, Floods Hurt Cane Crop in India’s Biggest Sugar-Producing State

With the heavy monsoon rains tormenting India’s leading sugar producing state, the number of India’s stock pile of standing sugar cane crops took a massive hit. The supply of sugar cane dropped significantly affecting India’s sugar cane exporting industry.

Graph of the effects of the monsoon rains on India's sugar cane industry

Graph of the effects of the monsoon rains on India's sugar cane industry

As you can see by the graph above, the supply curve shifted to the left due to a decrease in supply of sugar cane because of the monsoon rains that wreaked havoc on India’s leading sugar cane producing state, Maharashtra.

Link to Bloomberg article here.

One Response to Data Response, Floods Hurt Cane Crop in India’s Biggest Sugar-Producing State

  1. Ryan says:


    Hi. My name is Ryan. I’m a senior, you may or may not know me. I was just surfing the internet and happened to come across your blog! It’s awesome!

    For such an interesting topic, you don’t really evaluate the economic situation in India. Your post is a bit too short, I’d recommend going further and exploring the consequences.

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